A Welcome from The Shrubberies School Governing Body
Our Governing Body provides strategic leadership of our school and are deeply mindful of our responsibilities and the challenges ahead. The Governing Body are supportive critical friends, independent, and ask pertinent and challenging questions whilst using our individual skills and knowledge to support the school. We see regular and frank communication between parents and ourselves as essential. We recognise that our contribution should have a strong focus on the three core strategic functions (Governors’ Handbook, October 2020):
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
We aim to work in a close and balanced partnership with the Headteacher and the staff, who together carry out the day to day running of the school. Your support as parents is a key element in our working together to ensure The Shrubberies School remains a caring and happy environment, where every child is enabled to attain his or her full potential as a member of society. We monitor progress and other aspects of school life such as attendance, behaviour and safeguarding for which we receive appropriate training. We also review school policies, some of which are available for you to view on this website.
All Governors take an active part and interest in all aspects of the school and we also expand our experience beyond formal governing duties and have participated in volunteering in the classroom, supporting social events, fundraising, attending residential experiences, and celebrating children's achievements. The staff are extremely dedicated to their profession and always put the interests and wellbeing of the pupils first and we are very aware that staff “go that extra mile” in order to make the learning accessible and fun.
You are most welcome to contact any of the governors via the school office or by email directly to the governors, and we will be happy to talk to you.
To contact the Chairman please use the form below.