A Governor at this school
has a strong focus and commitment to the school, and a strong desire to make it better through strategic challenge.
brings individual valued skills, knowledge and experience to the team.
is able to attend scheduled meetings in each academic year ( can be day time and evening).
participates in governor training
becomes a ‘governor of the month’,visiting school formonitoring and evaluation purposes.
is willing to work in partnership with school pupils and professionals to maintain a strong supportive partnership.
The Governing Body is responsible for the conduct and effective management of the school, acting within the framework set out by Government legislation and by the policies of Gloucestershire LA. It aims to work in a close and balanced partnership with the Head Teacher and staff, who carry out the day to day running of the school. It seeks, through frank and regular communication, the support of parents in working together for the good of each and every child.
To participate in establishing the school’s strategy for improvement and to keep under review, the broad framework within which the Headteacher and staff run the school. To focus on the key issues of raising standards of achievement, establishing high expectations and promoting effective teaching and learning. To provide the Head Teacher and staff with support and advice, drawing on members’ experience.
To monitor and evaluate the school’s effectiveness through focussed Governor visits. Governors will link with school departments and subject/aspect leaders in order to undertake monitoring and evaluation.
The Governing Body has collective and final responsibility in all matters. Governors may not act individually, but certain responsibilities may be delegated on a formal basis. As such the Shrubberies School Governing Body has established two functional committees, Resources and Curriculum, which share the workload and delegate as and when necessary. Two further committees exist to deal with the issues of pupil discipline and staff dismissal should the necessity arise. Each Chairman will not have the autonomy to take or make decisions on his/her own.
Resources Committee
Areas of Responsibility – Financial
Areas of Responsibility – Human Resources
Areas of Responsibility - Premises
Areas of Responsibility – Performance Management
Curriculum Committee
Areas of Responsibility - Teaching and Learning
Areas of Responsibility - Pupil Progress
Areas of Responsibility - Curriculum Coverage
Areas of Responsibility - Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural dimensions
Other Committees
Governor Visits
Each Governor has a responsibility for assisting the school in its self-evaluation of teaching and learning and for monitoring the implementation of the school development plan. This is undertaken through classroom visits or meetings with staff, focussed on areas for which the Governor has a link responsibility. A Governor visit is scheduled each month during the academic year. Governors should refer to the schedule to see when their visit is expected and liaise with the appropriate member of school staff to arrange a mutually convenient time. Governor visits will focus on identified aspects of school development and play an important part in monitoring the progress of the school improvement plan. During their visit, it may be appropriate for Governors to observe pupils to see how they participate and are engaged in their lessons, and how much they enjoy what they are doing. They may also look at the environment and resources available to the pupils that help to make their time at school stimulating and rewarding. After the visit, Governors will be asked to write a brief report. This should be forwarded to the Clerk to the Governors who will ensure that it is copied to the Headteacher and other relevant members of staff. Governors will present their Monitoring and Evaluation Report to the full Governing Body.