
The Shrubberies School



Applications for Bursary funding are available from the beginning of the new Academic Year. Designated staff will apply for the bursary on your behalf if you request support.  With regard to the Vulnerable Bursary, it is important you read the criteria that needs to be met prior to expecting an application for the Vulnerable Bursary.  We will send you a letter asking parents / carers to consider whether students are eligible. 


Bursary Information can change each academic year and we will post the current academic year link above to assist you in finding out what the eligibility aspects are for the current year when this link is made available to us.  Should you have any questions or enquires to make application, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

What is Bursary Funding? 

“Bursary funding is financial help for Post 16 students to overcome specific barriers to participation so that they can remain in education”.  There are two bursaries, (1) vulnerable bursary and (2) discretionary bursary.  We will assess whether a student is eligible for either of these grants.   The school is committed to taking a proactive approach and will contact students/parent/carers about bursary funding.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further information.

Following receipt of an application from students we will review the information to ensure that the student is eligible (see our policies for further information).  When applying students / families making initial application to the school will be asked to sign a declaration that confirms the student meets the criteria for application (see our policies for further information).  We apply to the Student Bursary Support Service via an online portal.  Confidentiality and Data Sharing - All applications for vulnerable students are treated in confidence.  Information will only be shared with professionals directly involved with the bursary process.  i.e. Local Authority, Looked After Children Education Services, Manager of the Bursary , Senior Management of the school. 

"Removing Barriers to Participation"


The school will continue to be proactive and identify students with the greatest need for support and raise awareness of the bursary as early as possible.  The school will assess which pupils are eligible for 16-19 bursary funding based on the criteria and advice provided by the Education Funding Agency (EFA).  This includes assessing the age of the student, the length of the course and additional criteria specified in the current EFA guidance on vulnerable students’ eligibility for this bursary.  It is recognised that students who attend our Post 16 Further Education Centre ‘ The Apperley Centre’ may not be able to apply on their own behalf  and therefore we are committed to taking the initiative to ensuring that students who are eligible, successfully receive this funding. 


There are two types of bursary; the vulnerable bursary award which provides support for vulnerable students who are eligible according to the EFA guidance.  The second is a discretionary bursary, and our criteria here in school is to support students who (a) are eligible for free school meals and (b) who also meet the other criteria as specified in the EFA guidance.


The Bursary Funds are there to provide for vulnerable students:  this financial help provides for things such as transport, meals, books and equipment. As specified in the Education Funding Guidance "payments are for participation-related costs only".  The school works very closely with other agencies  on behalf of vulnerable students to ensure that the bursary meets the needs of the student, and for those students who are assessed for eligibility of either award, this information remains confidential and known only to those who are involved in the administration of the bursary awards.  Parent / guardian, guidance and questions and answers can be found by clicking on the link above for the most current information.

For more information on how the school administers the 16-19 bursary, please refer to the links on this page which will take you to our current policies.


Bursary Assessment and Allocation for Academic Year 2023 2024


Vulnerable Bursary                Not applied currently

Discretionary Bursary            Applications made available

Total Available                       To be confirmed 

Bursary Assessment and Allocation for Academic Year 2022 2023


Vulnerable Bursary            Not applied/eligible

Discretionary Bursary        5 students applied

Total Available                    £1863.70

Bursary Assessment and Allocation for Academic year 2021 2022

Vulnerable Bursary           1 student   £1200

Discretionary Bursary       total           £1523

Bursary Assessment and Allocation for Academic Year 2020 2021

Vulnerable Bursary                None applied / eligible

Discretionary Bursary            7 Students applied.

Total Bursary available          £3,433



Bursary Allocation for Academic Year 2019 2020

We will as in previous years, be proactive in ensuring all students who are eligible, receive the support they need to access bursary funding.

Summary of Bursary Funding for 2019 2020

10 x students received discretionary bursary funding, total provided to students £2275

1 x student received vulnerable bursary funding, total provided £1200


Bursary Allocations for Academic Year 2018/2019 

Our  discretionary bursary allocation for the above academic year was 1 x £1681.

Our vulnerable bursary the the above academic year was 1 x £1200.

Both bursaries above, focused on accessing education within the Apperley Centre and Community and were apportioned to participation related costs.  

We engage with parents and students as to who will be eligible for the vulnerable bursary (£1200)  and the discretionary bursary.  We aim to stay within the allocation of discretionary funds given to the school  and our assessment process and application process proactively assists parents and carers and students. 

Summary of Bursary Allocations for Academic Year 2017/2018

1 x Vulnerable Bursary allocation

4 x Discretionary Bursary allocations.

Various Specific Personal Support from Infobus,  (therapeutic and practical support for students with complex needs) and Professional intervention from an experienced Education Psychologist.

