Please find below financial information relating to our school. There is a link at the bottom of this page which will take you to various financial management reports within our website which explain our planning and expenditure for special grants, as directed by the government.
Schools Financial Benchmarking Online Service
This site is used by our school Governors to explore comparisons between similar schools. The needs of each special school can be quite different and so it is wise to consider carefully any comparisons with schools that are noted as being similar.
We have a hydrotherapy pool, two locations and also different department buildings which is something to consider when, for example, you are looking at energy costs. Our staffing is representative of Special Schools higher staffing to pupil ratio, and we maintain a dedication to ensuring that pupils at this school get the best education and experiences they can.
Please note, when you click on the link below, you will be able to view completed financial years data and compare with other chosen schools of your choice if you wish.
Maintained Schools must publish how may school employees (if any) have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more. We can confirm that no school employee meets this level.
We provide below, a link to the Financial Benchmarking Website which permits you to make comparisons. We would like to confirm to you the following actual balances brought foward in the school budget at the end of the following financial years.
The majority of balances are "set-aside" for planned expenditure.
FY 23/24 £21,852
FY 22/23 -£14,609
FY 18/19 £10,771.30
FY 19/20 £30,557.31
FY 20/21 -£21,893.76
FY 21/22 £13,434.41
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Specialist Equipment, - improving, mobility, accessing education.
Children who attend our school, sometimes need extra specialist equipment to access education. We work together with the NHS team who visit our students and assess their needs, and we ensure that specialist equipment is made available to the student. Our financial contribution and NHS contribution together makes it possible to provide this equipment. Together, we have purchased in the past, wheelchairs, seating, walking , eating and drinking equipment and other items. We continue to support this purchase requirements to ensure access to education for our students.
We can confirm that no school employees have a gross annual Salary of £100,000 or more.