Our Teacher, Sara Whelan, is a CEOP Ambassador
The Ambassador course enables Sara to train others to deliver Thinkuknow’s education programme.
The CEOP Ambassador course is a 'train the trainer' course delivered by the CEOP Education Team.
The CEOP Ambassador course means that Sara has had an in-depth look at: :
She can be contacted through the school number 01453 822155
All the information below has been sourced from online information centres about internet safety. We aim to give you a web page where you can find help, resources and information quickly. Do not forget, if you have any queries or concerns you can talk to us in confidence. Call 01453 822155 and ask to speak to the Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher and Assistant Head Teacher who are all trained and experienced professionals in child safety.
Online Safety is all about making sure that your child’s use of the internet and mobile devices are positive experiences and that systems and settings guard your child’s safety. That is what safeguarding is all about! At the bottom of this page is a PDF attachment which provides you with access to our Parent E-Safety Leaflet.
As advised by Childnet.com - advice to discuss with your child
Privacy Settings
Giving you the ability to control who you share your news with. For more information on face book privacy settings go to...
Online Friendship
Only add people you know and trust OFFLINE before you add them ONLINE.
Your location
IF you are n a social network, you might be telling them where you are without knowing about it. Location services can be turned on or off . Find the settings on your device and check regularly.
Think before you put something online
Ask yourself, “would the head Teacher be happy if they read this or saw this” if the answer is NO, do not post it. Many comments can be misunderstood and if you post something it is potentially there forever!!!
Posting Pictures
ALWAYS ask permission from the person who’s photograph you want to put online.
Know how to report
Make sure that you find the report button so that you can alert social networks to those who break the terms and conditions; if you have concerns talk to someone about what to do next.
Logging out
Always logout of your accounts, have an active PIN on your device so that others cannot access your networking profile.
We have used the "about us" page on their website to overview aims and missions
This website provides information guidance and support to children of all ages, young adults and also provides resources, training, and support for professionals who work with children and young people.
The purpose of this website, is to help keep children safe in the digital world
Do you need to talk to someone in confidence, visit this page for advice, help and contact details?
Training, support, advice to children, parents, schools and professionals.
Working in partnership with others around the world to help make internet a great and safe place for children. Packed with information for all, including resources and posters and information.
From Facebook and Instagram to Snapchat and Tumblr a simple no-nonsense guide for parents from NSPCC and O2 to the social media, apps and games that ...
Find out about safety of information when using social networking.
UK Safer Internet Centre, 3 main functions, Awareness, helpline and hotline.
Be Share Aware and keep children safe online. Talking to your child is the best way to help keep them ...
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) works across the UK tackling child sex abuse and providing advice for parents
A filtered search website for children
A filtered search website for children